Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Arc Collector Part Two

A Campus Tree Species Catalog;
A University of Wisconsin Eau Claire Student-Faculty Project


            In an initiative to facilitate the growth of the University of Eau Claire campus, the University plans to plant 100 trees in the institutions centennial year (2016-2017).  The campus currently has 83 identified different varieties of tree species, and with the new additional trees being planted that number will grow to 107 species. The addition of new tree species is an effort to harbor the idea of sustainability, and the further inclusion of the ‘urban’ environment into the ‘natural’ environment. The University of Wisconsin Eau Claire is investing considerable effort into cultivating an interactive arboretum over the entirety of the campus.


The campus arboretum student-faculty collaboration, that has gained much support from the university and surrounding population. The need for a catalog of the population size and species becomes very important for the development of a sustainable and ecologically diverse environment on campus. In order to gain knowledge of the tree species located on campus, a survey must first be conducted. The project entails the careful attention to the species, and the population of each species on campus. Given that the project is inherently geographic, initiating a geographically based product for future development presents a great pathway. To facilitate the production of the map, the online version of Esri’s ArcMap is implemented using the mobile version of a collection application called Esri ArcCollector.  http://doc.arcgis.com/en/collector/

The ArcCollector app allows for the creation of map that is capable of being published to an online platform, where the collection of data can be captured using a mobile phone device in the field. The centennial year project mark the beginning of a GIS-based map project that will be an ongoing categorical tool used by University faculty, and will be maintained and updated by faculty and student help in future semesters. The project is portioned out into two parts, producing separate maps. The preliminary portion of the Campus Arboretum mapping project was created by Martin Gotle (University Geographic Information Systems), with help from Daria Hutchinson (University Master Gardener). The map created is a locator map, identifying one of each type of species present on the campus currently. The long-term plan for the map is to be a publically accessible platform for people visiting the campus to participate in the wonderful nature that encompasses the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire. The potential end goal of this map is to make an “Arboretum Walking Tour” that is guided by the individual’s mobile phone as they walk around the campus. An addition to that, signs will be located in front of particularly magnificent trees around the campus, containing a QR code can be scanned to give more information about the species, genius, and history of the tree. The second portion of the project is the creation of a large database of every tree located on campus. This map and database will be purpose built for campus faculty, particularly the grounds department for the planning, maintenance of the trees located on campus. The mass collection of data points can be used as a geographic tool to keep track of and manage the species that are located on the campus. This type of map will be useful for tracking the progression of tree diseases, the presence of pests/bugs, and damage control after strong winds or storms. As the campus continually grows with new construction, a highly detailed database of the trees located on campus will become more important as greater details of the renovations and construction that is being completed.

Study Area

The University of Wisconsin Eau Claire is situated directly next to the Chippewa River, in West Central Wisconsin. The campus is located directly adjacent to Putnam Park, in the city of Eau Claire. The University of Eau Claire campus is expanding and growing, and is currently in the process of several major construction projects.
The university campus contains also several areas of dense forested area. For the constraints of time, and data space, this project will not include these areas in the study. For the project, a sampling area created was subdivided into separate zones. These zones use clean boundaries like roads and paths where no trees will grow to delineate the separate zones. In sections of the area where there is no clean boundary, specific use of a fence line, of building boundary is used to delineate the separate zones as described in the “Zones” sections of this report. The sampling area includes the satilite location of Bollinger Fields (not shown) and the HAAS Fine Art Center and accompanying parking lot.
Figure 1: Zones for sampling tree species populations on the
University of Wisconsin Eau Claire Campus.


            Completing a mapping project requires a large portion of planning and for-thought to produce a successful product. Often times, using the technique of reverse engineering the project leads to the most effective workflow. Starting with a solid idea of what the end product should looks like, and how it is used can greatly increase the effectiveness of the project. For the Arboretum Tree Catalog map, much of the preliminary work entailed deciding how to structure the map so the data can be curated online in a ordered fashion.

Figure 2: Table displaying the domain specifications
for the attribute field "Tree Genus"
Similarly to any project utilizing a map, the creation of a geodatabase where all map layers and data can be stored. In the geodatabase, a new feature class is created. The new feature class will possess attribute fields of important information (like tree name, genus, maintenance …etc.). Each field will have a specific domain created, to facilitate greater data integrity and fewer mistakes when collecting data in the field. For the Arboretum Tree Catalog project, the domains are structured to reduce the human error of entering information in wrong. Most of the fields are text files for the name and genus of the tree identified. Several fields are set up to be a Y/N selection, for example there are two trees on campus that are considered to the university to be Heritage trees. A field was created for this attribute, and to accelerate the collection procress was made to be a Y/N selector. After the field type is configured using domain, a map is created in the desktop form of ArcMap. The map is built containing a shape file with the sampling zones that can be digitized in using a basemap for reference. As an added benefit to this project, Martin Gotle (GIS supervisor UWEC) previously supplied detailed basemap information directly to Esri about the University campus. The added level of cartographic detail helped create a better basemap to digitize the sampling zones more effectively. Details like added fence lines, and updated building plans made designating boundary lines less ambiguous then if the digitizing was completed using a satellite image, as sometimes in the satellite image trees can block certain physical elements, or the data may not be recent. Once the zones are established, and the feature class is created, the map can be published as a service and can be accessed from the Universities online Esri profile. Following the specifications of the publishing wizard, the map is made available to be accessed by any invited party.
Using a mobile device, the ArcCollector app is downloaded and installed. Opening the application and signing into the ArcGIS online page, the collection of a data can be done using the Collector app.


The preliminary results for the tree species population database collection are displayed above in an embedded map. The caragorization of the trees that are present is going to be an ongoing collection of data points, with an end goal of mapping each of the trees located on the campus.

 The utilization of the mobile format of ArcCollector with the strength of a geodatabase allows for a very dynamic and streamlined mapping process. This mapping project is the beginning of a multi- year project that will expand the understanding about where trees are located specifically on the university campus. This geographic attribute map will provide an major roll in how effectively and comprehensively wish to keep the goal of sustainability and growth as the campus and university expand into the future.  

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Arc Collector


            The current state of technology has allowed for some ingenenious advancements. Computing devices have become small and compact, and are combined with more versatile abilities, opening up many new aveneus of data collection. Most people walk around with mini computers in their pockets that are capable to processing enormious amounts of data. These pocket compters, cell phones, have given geographers an unprecedented ally to be mobile and collect data. The cell phones also carry onboard an (fairly) accurate GPS, for use with navigation. Untilizing both of these advancments, the geographers and computer programers at Esri have found a way to use the cell phones interface computing abilities, screen, and GPS to produce a mobile app that allows a user to implement a project online, and access it through the devices data connection.
            The task for this project, is to gain a familiarity with Esri ArcCollector application, and produce several different micro-climate maps of the University of Eau Claire campus. For the means of this introductory project, the featureclass domains where constructed by the instructor. The different types of information for the collection process includes; wind-speed, wind direction, temperature, and dew point.

Study Area

            The area of interest for this project, is the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire campus. The campus is located in the city of Eau Claire, directly adjacent to/containing portions of the Chippewa River. The campus features environmental factors like a forested area, several fields, and a steep inclining slope acting as a boundry between upper and lower campus. On the day of collection, the date was November 9th, and collection was carried out from 3:30pm – 5:30 pm. The temperature was an average of 58 degrees F. The assigned zone for collection for group 7 was zone 5. 

Figure 1: Image of devices used to collect data.
From left to right, Samsung Smartphone,
Weather Device, Compass. 
            The data is collected in points using cellular devices, employing the ArcCollector application. Using the phones GPS units, points can be collected within a spatial accuracy of between 10-15ft. A weather device was used to collect wind speed, dew point, and temperature at the time of each reading. For the same data point, a compass was used to note the direction of the wind (where it was coming from). The end product of this project resulted in 3 maps being produced. A microclimate temperature map, dew point map, wind speed and wind direction maps. The data points were interpolated into a continueous surface using the IDW technique, which assumes cells that are closer should be more heavily weighted to be a similar quantity. For this interpolation, the power was increased to 4 because the AOI is realativly small, and the cell search radiious neightbor hood was decreased from the standard to further define the mirco climates that may exist on the campus. All the maps produced are displayed on top of a arial image (latest year taken) of the study area.


A. Temperature is represented in the surface as a spectrum of red/brown to teal blue. Red/brown represents the high end of the temperature specture, and teal blue to low.

Figure 2: Campus map of Temperature.

Dew Point

Dew point was a maesurment that was collected, in aim to make a visual distinguishing mark between cement and concerte areas, and grassy or forested areas.  For this map, IDW interpolation was used with the same characteristics as specified before.
Figure 2: Campus map of Relative Dew Point


Wind speed and direction was taken with each point collection. The direction was taken using an azimuth direction on a compass.
Figure 3: Campus map of wind speed and wind direction


            This project is a great example of how the versatile field of geography finds new solutions to the age old task of how to collect data. The ability to use a previously existing computational platform (cell phone), and apply a online collection platform, allows users to compile vast amounts of data remotely, utilizing the cells phones screen, GPS, and hardware. This platform fit this project perfectly, allowing a class full of young geographers collect data simultaneously to compile a dynamic map displaying the findings. The collection process was facilitated by a previously compiled map project, with domains controlling the acceptable answers for each of the categories. The output maps are a product of a data collection process that is very much the future of technical geography, and a valuable skill to learn.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016



The technical skill of being able to navigate using a compass and topographic map is a universal ability. As geographers especially, the tried and true method of using a compass to direct to another location is a valuable skill, and should form the foundation of any field applied geography technique. Even if there are no professional reasons, having the ability to read a map, and accurately direct yourself or others to a location can be a vital skill. This is increasingly important for any trail hiking, or backcountry excursions where cellular service will be limited. The analog format of map provide an excellent reference, and can be very useful if designed properly.
            The task at hand for this project, is to assess the navigation maps that were made in the previous week’s project. To do this, each group was given a selection of 5 points that were mapped out in various locations within the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire’s land, called the Priory. Using a navigation map, a compass, and several techniques learned during lab, groups were asked to find each of the locations. Each group was also given a GPS, to track the path that each group took, and to produce a map after completion of the task to assess how the terrain and environmental factors (dense forest) affected the path of each group.

Figure 1: Image of the navigation map used,
and the general placement of the
compass for navigation in the field.
Image Credit: Oliver W. Larson

(Group 2; Marcus, Hannah)

------Navigation Project--------
Start time 3:30, End time 5:30
60 degrees F

            After the groups arrived at the Priory, they were given the coordinates to their locations. The groups then separated and plotted the locations by hand on a printed, physical, copy of the navigation map. Only one map was chosen (per 3 group members), and for our group Hannah’s was selected. Her navigation map consisted of an aerial image, with a 50m contour line over laid on top. A 50-meter grid was applied. The map that was used more frequently for the actual navigation was using a coordinate system based on UTM.

            Before leaving for the actual navigation, a pace count was needed to be able to track distances in the field. A 50-meter length was measured in the parking lot. Students paced out the length and came up with an approximate estimate of 50 meters using a pace count. My pace count was 30-32 paces in 50 meters. A pace is counted every right-legged step.
Figure 2: Image of a compass similar to the one
used for this assignment. Image was captured
from nhtramper.wordpress.com
            Next, students were given a quick lesson in how to operate a compass, and use it for a direction. The technique that was taught is called “Red in the Shred”, and is completed as follows. While holding the compass in front of you, the direction of travel arrow is turned to point in the direction that is desired to travel. Once the arrow is pointing towards the desired location, the user should turn his/her entire body until the red portion of the magnetic needle is inside of the red outline for the orienting arrow. Hence, keeping red in the shed. As the user travels, he/she should keep the red arrow in the red outline to continue travelling on course. 

Figure 3: Image displaying the density of the forest covered
during the navigation project.
Image credit: Oliver W. Larson

This however, can get very challenging when navigating in dense wooded areas. A method to help navigate through dense woods is using a landmark in the distance that is in the direction of travel. Once a landmark has been picked out that is confirmed in the direction the user needs to travel, the user can zip-zag around obstacles, as long as he/she reaches the landmark point successfully. Using these techniques, the groups navigated to each of the points that have been selected for each group.

As it can be seen in Figure 3, the forested area consisted of dense brush. This made navigating through the area very difficult, even using the landmark method. Just moving about from location to location provided much difficulty for our group. The dense brush altered our course several times, so a Trimble June GPS (Figure 4) was used as an aid to help find some of the more challenging marks.
Figure 4: Trimble Juno GPS unit, showing the track log
on screen with objective coordinates on the paper.


            This project called for groups of students to navigate to different locations around the Priory property, supposedly following the straight-line paths, as directed by using a compass to follow a certain azimuth for a certain distance. This is the ideal process, but in reality, the paths that the groups took needed to account for dense forested areas, that were too challenging to pass through “as the crow flies” (straight-line). Our group originally tried to venture through the dense forested area, using the navigation technique of picking landmarks, and counting the pace, but quickly gave up on this venture, as the landscape was very challenging to cross. 
Figure 5: example of the mark
supposedly at each location. 

The group soon became quite off course, and was unable to find an object in the map to orient themselves off of. The group then made a path to an access road that shadowed the forested area, and used the access road to walk closer to location 1.  Using the map, and landmarks like large trees, the group soon found the first location. This similar type of problem occurred en route to location 2, and location 5, which were never formally found. As the track log shows ( Figure 6), the group was quite close to location 5, and 2. As an additional note, the pink ribbons have been known to be removed by other (thinking they are hunting marks), so it is entirely possible that the ribbons were removed. The group is confident in the locations that were visited were in the generally right location for the ribbons. With the exception of location 5, which was in an area with a large amount of downed trees that made travel very difficult. As the track log shows, open areas and paths previously created provided a much better travel path, that was used for the majority of the navigation in the project. 


Overall, this project was vey informative, and provided and excellent foundation into navigation using a compass. Many of the problems that occurred were able to be quickly fixed or corrected while in the field, and a successful navigation was made to (most) of the assigned locations. This project is an fantastic example of the preparation and techniques that are required to navigate from location to location, given an adverse terrain. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Building a Navigational map


            The focus of this exercise is on navigation, and the importance of coordinate systems for a successful project. In order to gain a greater understanding of what makes a good navigation map, students were asked to prepare 2 maps, each with a different coordinate system to use during the exercise. The task at hand is to successfully navigate, through a dense forested area to several waypoint locations throughout the property. 

Figure 1: Displaying parts of greater Eau Claire. Image taken
from Google.
The location for this project is the University owned land, a few miles south of the city of Eau Claire. The land mostly consists of coniferous dominant forest, with a few patches of birch tree intermittently. There is also a large complex of buildings, with a field located north of the buildings. The land has areas of relief encompassing the field to the north of the buildings.
Figure 2: Image of the University owned lan. Provided by Google.
            Building a map that is designed specifically for the task of navigation is a much different process then designing a map for display in a book, or online. A different set of criteria is necessary to keep in mind when designing a navigation map. For example, if a map if going to be published in a book, the author will most likely be using the map as a image to help illustrate, or provide proof for a point which he/she wish’s to assert. This means that the map will probably use visual cues to sway the reader into the mindset of the author. Visual cues are often strongly associated with certain color selection, and also items in the map that may be selectively displayed or omitted. This may lead to a more dense, and comprehensive map, but does not help with navigation of any sort. On the other hand, when creating a navigation map, making a dynamic map, that gives a visual representation of the landscape, while providing no extra or unnecessary information to confuse the map user. Navigation maps are usually fairly barebones, but when working in the field, simplicity is king. Having a simplistic map, that displays all pertinent information, allows the user a more streamline reference system on which to navigate from.
            Background on UTM: Establishes a grid that is constant throughout the map. The coordinate system also allows for a number system to directly relate to a distance measureing system. UTM is great for mapping at various parts of the world, since it has a consistant measuring system.
Decimal Degrees: Uses latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates and divides them into decimal degrees. This results in in negative, and positive values for lat. And long, and is bound by a +-90 and +-180 respectivly.


            Constructing a navigation map requires the map technician take a holistic approach when distinguishing what features to include in the map. For this exercise, two maps are required of the same zone. One map will have a UTM grid, while the other will have a geographic coordinate system grid.
            First, a database is created in an accessible folder for this project. The data is copied from the original university run database, and pasted into the newly created folder. Careful inspection of the files is needed, as they are all projected into different coordinate systems. It is recommended that each file that is going to be used is projecting into one coordinate system that will be used for the entirety of the project.
            To produce the map featuring the UTM grid, data was gathered from the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire data file. The data contained a topographic lines feature, a boundary line of the university owned land, several LiDAR files that can be processed into raster files, and an iconographic representation of the landscape. Next the elements that present the most use are added to the Arcmap window. Given the parameters of this project, I choose to make the UTM grid map to feature a topographic representation of the landscape (figure 3). The topography was illustrated using a 2m contour line, in a light gray color. The backdrop features a dark colored outline of the university owned land. Once the map is visually comprehensive, change the screen from data view, to layout view. Clicking on the “layers” properties button, a menu is brought up. Selecting the Grids tab, a variety of selection menus and specification menus can be accessed to customize the grid format for the project. Here the grid is edited to fit the desired need of the project. For the area if interest for this project, has a relatively large scale, so the first set of numbers in the Mercator numbering system do not change over the course of the study area. This means that they are functionally irrelevant, and can be omitted by turning the color to light gray, and making the font size very small. This accents the second portion of numbers, which contains a metered system that will be most useful while navigating by foot. The grid was scaled down to show lines every 20 meters. Another final is to add a north arrow, to help orient the user when viewing the map in the field.
            The next map to be made, Figure 4, will feature a grid system using a GCS measured in decimal degrees. A similar process of thought to the first map is implemented. This time an aerial view with a false coloring is added to the map. Another layer is added on time of that, which features different style topography then the first map. The topography layer is then edited under the “display” tab of the “properties” to be 65% transparent. This allows several distinct features from the aerial image to be seen, along with faint topography lines displaying the elevation of the area. Having the aerial image gives a great guideline for the buildings and location of the forest features, with the combined element having topography lines to help add distinction to the hills. Similarly to the first map, the data frame is switched to “layout view” and a grid is added. This time the units used are decimal degrees.

Figure 1:
Figure 3: UTM coordinate system Navigation map. Units in meters.

Figure 4: Navigation map number 2 with the GCS in decimal degrees.


            Building a navigation map requires a depth of knowledge on a variety of topics. The mapmaker must be essentialist about the features of the map, in order to provide a dynamic map that is not over cluttered. Background knowledge of coordinate systems and the ramifications of using different systems are very important to a successful outcome of a project. Understanding the units involved, and when appropriate times to use each coordinate system will save much time later down the road. For example, using a CS that displays decimal degrees will not be very helpful when navigating on foot, without a GPS. A reason for this is decimal degrees do not divide neatly into the measuring system, with 1 D.D. equaling approximately 44 feet. This makes calculations clunky, and wastes valuable time. However, using a map that displays D.D would be helpful when using a GPS. Since the last portion of this project involves tracking the route our group takes to get to each waypoint, producing a map with D.D can be helpful.  Additionally, producing a map for use on foot, without a GPS requires units in easily divisible numbers, in this case meters. The map that will most likely be more helpful for the act of navigating will be the UTM grid, which displays the information in meters.
The second map (figure 2.) that was produced for this project is clunky, and quite confusing and ugly. If a better map were needed (not provided by partners), it would have been better to further process the LiDAR data into a surface elevation model, and add a grid on top of that. But for the sake of time, a less quality version of the map was produced.

In summation, producing navigation maps requires a keen eye, and a thoughtful process that takes into account possible problems that may occur in the field. Along with knowledge for coordinate systems and grids, a successful project outcome will be facilitated.